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Look up to the sky or out at the ocean and there you will find Ananta. Boundless. Infinite. Uncontainable. And yet, you do not have to look so far to find Ananta. In fact, Ananta has always been there within you, waiting for you, calling to you. Through your heart pounding in your chest, yearning for something more, knowing that this is not it, this is not it. Through your disillusionment and confusion and rage and fear. Through your tears of grief, resignation, sorrow and hopelessness. Through your dreaming and hoping and striving and loving. But so much gets in the way. It feels like too much has gotten in the way. It feels like you will never be able to meet Ananta again.

You may have even forgotten or muted Ananta,

resigned to living in the enclosures that were built for you for the rest of your days.

It does not have to keep being that way, anymore.

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